Friday, November 10, 2017

The One With the New Baby

Saturday started with coffee and being bombarded (from children young and old) with the song What Does the Fox Say? ... I definitely needed more coffee for that lol. Monkey was still having pretty regular contractions but they weren't one on top of the other and weren't too debilitating. Daddy and I ran to the store really quickly while the campers and SweetPea ate breakfast and did chores (nope, SweetPea doesn't have chores yet ... she's still working on learning basic life essentials so we won't worry about that just yet). Then Daddy went to an appointment a couple of towns over while ECJ played Call of Duty Ghost on the Playstation 3 and the girls played with Littlest Pet Shops in their room. I finished last week's wrap up post and began this week's notes for the post. Our plans for the rest of the day is to put a quick part on the car, watch The Emoji Movie as a family, and then to watch the first installment of The Hobbit after the little's go to bed. I haven't decided what will be for supper tonight so I guess that I need to go figure that out... (Monkey spent the night in the hospital for observation because she was contracting every 2-3 minutes).

Sunday morning Monkey came home, still contracting. All of the campers ate breakfast and did chores ... SweetPea was super happy to see her mommy. After a relaxing morning around the house (no mass this Sunday, lack of sleep all around) Daddy and I went scrapping right down the road. Then we stopped by the house and picked up YCJ and Peanut and went scrapping down by Grandma and Papa's house. We didn't stop by for a visit because we just wanted to get the scrapping finished. After just a couple of short hours we had a decent load of scrap to bring home. A quick stop at McDonald's to feed the girls and us (ECJ, SweetPea, Monkey, and her hubby all ate eggs and toast) we were off to the house. Monkey took a quick bath to try to help her relax and then around 9 PM, right after SweetPea went to bed, we took her back up to the hospital ... by close to 10 PM I went back up to be with her ... and before 11 PM we had a new baby!!! Little Man was born weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces and being 20.5 inches long! I stayed up at the hospital for about an hour and a half after he was born and then headed home to rest so that I could be bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning to watch over SweetPea while Daddy worked.

On Monday morning Daddy and I were talking over our first cup of coffee for the day and decided that this would just be a break week off of school since it is going to be a hectic week. Everyone got up and ate breakfast and then did their chores. I began the first of several loads of laundry (5 this day) and kept an eye on a very active, very young big sister. ECJ took apart scrap from the night before while Daddy worked and the girls began work on their newest Littlest Pet Shop video that they were making. After SweetPea's nap, and Daddy getting home from work ... I ran with Daddy to the scrap yard and then he took me up to the hospital for awhile to visit with Monkey and Little Man. We had Taco Bell for supper this night.

Tuesday Monkey was able to come home from the hospital ... Little Man had to hang out for a little while longer to get some medications. So she went back and forth to the hospital a couple of times and called up there to check on Little Man. I spent my morning vacuuming the house and doing laundry. Supper this night was turkey meat loaf with onion gravy, mashed potatoes, and corn.

Wednesday was the big day!! Little Man got to come home. Before he came home everyone ate breakfast and did their chores. Seems like the majority of the house woke up relatively early. We couldn't pick up Little Man until after he had some testing done at noon so it was really just biding time. Then we picked him up and spent the rest of the day with people taking turns holding his little bitty adorableness... What a blessing!!

Thursday we did a lot of running around and errands, taking Monkey with us and leaving everyone else at home. We got some necessity grocery shopping done, exchanged a giant box of diapers to the next size up for SweetPea, and picked up some needed baby things. Really it didn't feel like we were home much of the day and when we were home everything was so busy because of having a new baby in the house and a little girl who just became a big sister. We're certainly a full house right now. YCJ ended up falling asleep with Little Man on the love seat during the evening.

Find us on Facebook here. We're also on Instagram.

Linked up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

7th Week 17/18

Saturday we mainly hung around the house and just existed. Things are just different now with so much going on in our lives daily.Daddy did do an odd job for someone he knew and installed cabinets and a light in their craft room. On Sunday Daddy and I took the girls and SweetPea down to Grandma and Papa's house so that we could visit and also so that we could bring their patio furniture into the garage before it gets too cold out. Everything is now neatly put away either in the garage or in their storage room (a spare bedroom in their house that they use mainly for storage). We had a great visit and came home early without scrapping since the scrapping season is basically finished. 

Monday we did lessons first thing after chores and breakfast. This really didn't take long at all. We're certainly back into the swing of things. 

Tuesday was Halloween!!!! Daddy went and picked up some scrap from a customer after we did our lessons for the day and then he and I went to the scrap yard. Monkey did a lot of running around for her doctor appointment for Wednesday. ECJ dressed up as a zombie skateboarder, YCJ dressed up as a black cat, Peanut dressed up as a vampiress, and SweetPea was a zombie Sophia the First. We did pretty well in the amount of time that we took to trick or treat (the weather was chilly and we started about half an hour after others in our town, we also didn't do our regular route). But, each kid got about a third of a pillow case filled up.

On Wednesday Monkey had an obgyn appointment and the rest of us were getting ready for Noni to come by while Daddy was at work. We took the day off of lessons and Monkey and SweetPea (plus the hubby person) stayed at home while the campers and I went with Noni. We stopped at McDonald's for lunch and then went to Walmart to window shop for Christmas ideas followed by grabbing some much needed items for the home. When we got back I went scrapping with Daddy for a little bit (not much was out) and then came home and made nachos for supper.

So, now it's Thursday and we did double lessons after breakfast and chores. Just to keep on track with what I'd already scheduled. Monkey and her hubby went to the hospital to get Monkey checked out, though she's supposed to be induced this evening. SweetPea hung out with us during lessons and then took a two hour nap. Daddy had an appointment out of town and then went scrapping a bit more followed by some time at work. Tonight's supper will be pork chops and veggies. Perhaps we'll have a picture of the baby to share by tomorrow so I won't finish this post until I know for sure.

Friday came and went with no new baby in the house ... we didn't do lessons on Friday because Daddy and I had several errands to run all over the place. The campers played outside in the mild weather with their neighborhood friends and we watched a lot of Family Guy on Netflix ... just us adults. And after a quiet evening we woke up on Saturday with still no baby. Monkey's due date has been changed until November 5th from the latest ultrasound and we're currently expecting a little baby boy! Maybe next week he'll make his appearance.

Find us on Facebook here. We're also on Instagram.

Linking up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.