Saturday, September 15, 2018

Back Kinda

Monday we were supposed to start school but spent the day running errands all over the place instead. We also did yard work. Tuesday we spent the day putting Buddy's car back together and cleaning gutters. Monkey cooked chicken fried steak for supper on Monday and YCJ cooked breakfast for supper on Tuesday.

Wednesday we worked around the house and were mostly outside.

Thursday was Peanut's 10th birthday! We woke her up by singing to her. Then spent the day playing with her, opening gifts, having a bonfire, sparkles, and smore pie! Peanut wanted split pea and ham soup for supper so that's what we had. Most of the day was spent outside, but when she was inside she spent most of her time working on painting a ceramic wreath that we'd given her. All in all she had a wonderful day!

Friday Daddy and Buddy had to run more than an hour from the house to pick something up for Buddy. ECJ had an online creative writing class (look for a post on this next week!) at 9:30 in the morning. It took him some concentrated effort to get that and his morning chores done. Monkey and I rearranged some furniture, did laundry, cleaned, and organized while YCJ and Peanut cleaned their room and the rabbit cage. I spent time going over this year's new school books with each camper and after Daddy got back with Buddy we had bbq for supper.

Next week Tuesday has now become our new start date.