Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mom Shaming

OK ... so we all know that mom shaming is real. You're not doing enough for your kids, you're doing to much for your kids, you aren't buying organic, you're buying too much organic, you're doing immunization shots, you're not doing immunization shots ... seriously the list goes on and on. We have to stop this bull-poopie right this minute!!!!

Whatever it is that you are doing, or not doing, it is what is right for your family right now. No one has the right to tell you how to raise your children ... and opinions aren't generally welcome when it comes to how we raise our kids. I'm not saying not to share ideas with fellow moms. We should all do that often and keep the conversation open and flowing.

But, seriously let's not bash our fellow moms! We all know how hard this job is. We are raising tiny human beings up from infancy to adulthood and hoping like heck that we don't majorly mess up somewhere down the line.

Who cares if your house isn't as clean as so and so's house down the street?

So what Ms. Perfect Curriculum thinks that your choice of curriculum will leave your children way behind in history?

That mom looking at you cross eyed while you pick up Cheese It's for your toddler that isn't eating anything else right now ... yeah, ignore her. Feed your kid whatever they'll eat.

And above all else lets all remember our manners and not call each other, or our ideas, dumb!! It wasn't acceptable behavior in Kindergarten and it certainly isn't acceptable now that we're adults. I was always told that if I didn't have something nice to say not to say anything at all. Well, I practice that as an adult almost daily. 

I don't have to agree with your choices to respect them and I certainly hope that the same goes in return.

Love each other, moms. Give each other support!


  1. I totally agree!! I think as mom's we're hard enough on ourselves, or at least I know I am. It's too easy to fall into questioning yourself, did we choose the right school that will meet the needs of my child(ren), did we cover everything this year that we should have,did I just emotionally damage my child for life by losing my cool and yelling at them, just how much damage am I causing by letting them binge watch one of their favorite shows. We definitely don't other moms telling us that we don't measure up. Parenting is hard, we need to support each other! Our children are all different and so it seems logical to me that we'd all need to parent them differently. The all organic, homeschooled, spiritual child with strict bedtime and electronic schedules will bring a different perspective when they're grown as will the free-range children. Difference is what makes the world wonderful, don't squash that trying to get others to parent "your way".

    1. We are so hard on ourselves ... we don't need any help doubting what we're doing.

  2. This is awesome. I completely agree!
