Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day in the Life 2017

For the Back to School blog hop from ihomeschool network's Day in the Life I decided to highlight one of our regular days of school. I do this each year and pretty much approach it the same way each time. So, let's take a peek at how our day unfolds...

September 25, 2017

9 AM - Daddy was already awake and getting ready for work when we woke up the campers so that they could do their morning chores and eat breakfast.

9:30 AM - Daddy left for work and we began school. It is International Homeschool Spirit Week and this day's theme is Pajama day. ECJ dressed first thing in the morning as he always does, Peanut had slept in some clothing that was comfortable, but I was able to catch YCJ doing her school work in her pajamas! We are currently working on finishing the school books from last year (because I always like to finish them) and our lessons follow the same schedule daily ... Language Arts while I read the girls a Bible lesson, Math, Science, Handwriting, History, and Geography. Each camper has to read silently at some point during the day and they each choose to read at their own time, most of them reading right before bed. Peanut reads earlier because I read to her and YCJ every night before bed.

10 - 12:30 - I did the lesson planning for the week while the campers did their lessons, I hadn't remembered to do it on Thursday evening so I was playing catch up. It's not as easy planning lessons while teaching other lessons but somehow I always manage to get it done even though it's not my preferred way to do things. It took about three hours to do lessons this day.

12:30 - 2:30 - After lessons were done the girls took a break with electronics together on the couch before taking a shower. Meanwhile ECJ was outside taking apart scrap that we'd picked up the night before. Daddy came home in the middle of this time and helped take apart scrap. By the time 2:30 rolled around all scrap was taken apart and the girls were squeaky clean, ECJ was ready for lunch (as were the girls), so while Daddy and I went to the scrap yard YCJ made spaghetti'o's for lunch.
At the scrap yard.

3:30 - When Daddy and I got back home it was time to power wash both of the vehicles... Much fun was had while getting them clean...

6 - 8 - After we finished with the vehicles Daddy had to go back to work to check on some lighting issues that were going on. The campers played electronics together taking turns while I crocheted a lemon for part of a gift for a friend.

8 - 9:30 PM - We had a late supper of shrimp pasta (super simple, filling, and YUMMY!) and then the campers went to their rooms to read or play on their electronics. Medicine was passed out to the girls. At 9:30 it was bedtime for the girls, so I read a chapter of Little Women to them and they were off to sleep.

10:30 and after - ECJ goes to bed around 10:30 after taking the dogs out for the last time for the night. Daddy and I were watching Charmed on Netflix and fell asleep sometime around midnight, after taking our medicines around 11 PM. Peanut came into our room sometime during the night and crawled into bed with us, making our sleep interesting as she's a cover thief and spins in circles in her sleep ... making for toes in the nose and uncovered legs.

 This is pretty much what a regular day looks like for us. Some days school takes more or less time, we don't often wash vehicles in 90* weather in the fall, and some days were busy doing other things but you get the idea.

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