Monday, November 28, 2016

Easy Menu

Well, for this week I'll again be posting our menu. Nope, not doing it every week because some weeks I don't know day to day what we'll be eating because I have no intention of planning anything out. And, yeah, this week the menu could change pretty easily depending on what we're in the mood to eat.

Friday - pork chops, rice, and mushroom gravy
Saturday - baked BBQ chicken, butter noodles, and corn
Sunday - split pea and ham soup
Monday - chili dogs and mac and cheese
Tuesday - breakfast for supper: turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes after catechism class
Wednesday - chicken wraps
Thursday - leftover night where we eat all the leftovers we haven't already eaten for lunch the next day
Friday - pork chops, green beans, and buttered noodles 

As you can see there's nothing special about this week's menu. We're not even using Thanksgiving leftovers because we didn't bring any home from Grandma's house this year. My freezer is completely stocked with chicken, pork, fish, and a bit of beef. OH! And an extra ham because this month hubby found two hams on sale for under $20 each! We rarely eat beef anymore but I do have a beef roast in the freezer thanks to a buy one get one free sale again this month. Our main staples are chicken (due to the price), pork, and fish. I'd give you a recipe for this week but really there's nothing that requires a recipe and our split pea and ham soup varies each time we make it.

Here's hoping you have a wonderful week full of yummy good food!

Joining up with I'm an Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday.

Find us on Facebook here.

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