Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Radiance - Book Review

By: Alyson Noel

Book Review

Have you ever sat and wondered what happens to you after life? What Heaven is like? Just what do you do for eternity? This book just might be for you! In a wonderfully written short novel Alyson Noel tells us through the eyes of the main character, a spunky recently dead preteen, what happens after you pass on.

Part of this book takes place in what the author calls the Here and Now (aka the spiritual plane). We start with this head strong preteen taking us through her experiences of what has happened to her since she's passed away. She's not confused as to if she's dead or not but the rules of her new reality are a little hard to get used to right away.

She's given a job of having to help wayward souls to cross the bridge into the Here and Now instead of lingering on here with us on earth where they're not fulfilling their destiny. Follow her on her trip and smile at each success she has.

This little novel is just a short read and one that I really enjoyed. Pick this book up or borrow it from the library and enjoy yourself a good little read!

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