Sunday, February 4, 2018

Week 18

Ok, so normally I sit down at the end of each day (or at the end of every couple of days) and I type up what we did that day ... this is how I usually make my weekly wrap up posts. This past week I didn't do that. I got wrapped up in every day life and didn't make time time to blog ... by the time evening came along I was ready for my nightly medications and bed. So, I'm just going to sort of recap the entire week as best as I can because I don't really remember what we did each day...

So ... from last Sunday to this Sunday we've entered a whole new month! It's now February! One month closer to the end of winter and I can't wait for spring! I like snow at Christmas and maybe a bit more to sled on but I don't like much more than that and I really don't like the cold. I meant to watch season two of The Game of Thrones, but only got four episodes in last weekend and am going to try to finish the rest of the series this evening (Sunday ... 2/4/18) ... we'll see how it goes. For those of you wondering I've already watched the first four seasons of the series but am getting ready to watch all eight seasons and so am starting over from the beginning so that it's fresh in my mind. I also didn't get as much crochet done this past week as I thought that I would ... was too antsy to sit still long enough to crochet much of the time.

Wearing Grandpa's coat in the
doctor's office because she was
SweetPea and Daddy both had appointments this week and so did Monkey. Nothing major for any of them and they were quickly taken care of. Some new medications were prescribed for SweetPea's allergies and eczema that she was diagnosed with this week. After just a few days of using the medications we can see a major difference in her skin and it is awesome!

We didn't get any outside time this week because of the snowy cold weather conditions ... well, ECJ got some time outside shoveling snow for our house and his customers houses. He actually wants it to snow because if it snows he makes money. We're supposed to be getting more snow this evening for a total accumulation of nearly six inches! Winter is, unfortunately, still here.

Book lessons did not get done this week except for Sunday morning where we caught up with some of the lessons that I'd already planned out. I then planned out this week's lessons (which are now next week's lessons). Why didn't we get book learning done? Well, really it had to do with the creeping cruds that most of us were experiencing ... upset stomachs, headaches, mild fevers, body aches, and a general feeling of ickiness. But, the children read every single day. ECJ worked on his online coding classes that he truly enjoys doing and watched more Physics videos on YouTube. YCJ made four different videos this week, edited each of them, and then posted them on her share site. Peanut not only crafted every day but made two videos of her own (with help from her big sister) to share on another site. Chores were done daily, Bible reading was done daily, and we've all (as a family) began doing yoga and some exercise videos each day. Learning is all around us ... but it's back to the books tomorrow (Monday).

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Linking up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you all weren't feeling well! Hope everyone is 100% again soon! thanks for linking up with us!
