Monday, November 14, 2016

Homeschool Highway Book Review

* I received no money, promises, nor anything else for giving this review. It is my honest opinion, given freely. The link to the book on Amazon is right in it's title just in case you want to purchase it for yourself as she's re-releasing it!*

By - Amy Dingman

Oh my God, y'all!!! This book! This book right here! It's awesome beyond words! Seriously I read this book in two sittings (well, technically two baths since as a homeschool mom of three I basically only get time to really read in the tub) and although I was pleased with how it ended I was left wanting more to read because it was just that good!

This is NOT a how to from A - Z book of homeschooling. You're not going to pick it up and know what your state requires (remember that all states have different requirements and laws and you should know what your states laws are), the ultimate 100% foolproof curriculum (there is no such thing y'all), nor are you going to find a schedule or set of rules to follow each day to make your homeschooling day perfect.

What you will find is the truth about homeschooling. As Mrs. Dingman puts it the pot holes in the Homeschool Highway (or in other words the challenges you'll face on your homeschool journey) and her suggestions on how to face them. She is truthful with how she presents herself as well, she doesn't sugar coat it ... homeschool is NOT all rainbows and sunshine. But, she reminds us that it is our choice to be on the highway ... we made the choice to homeschool, no one forced us into it.

In just nine short chapters she'll have you chuckling and nodding at nearly every page. It's insightful and helpful in more ways than one. Have that family member that continuously quizzes your children? She covers that. How about that feeling that you're failing because so and so down the road at the co-op has children who are fluent in Latin and have perfect penmanship? Yup, she covers that too. Feeling like a failure because you just need to get away from the kids once in awhile? That too is covered.

So, order this book (hard copy or Kindle) and grab yourself a glass of wine. Break into that secret stash of chocolate you hide from the kids and settle in for a good read. As Mrs. Dingman would put it (paraphrasing here), "Pull you Minivan of Awesome onto the Homeschool Highway and enjoy the ride."

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