Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Lost Boy - Book Review

The Lost Boy
By - Dave Pelzer

Book Review

This is the second book in this series (check out my review on the first book here). This one is a much easier book to read emotionally. You find yourself pulling for the boy to do the right thing and chuckling a bit at some of his antics. You learn something about the foster care system and how well it can work even when it shows that there's still problems with the system.

Up and down in the world of a teenage boy. This book is amazing in that it never slows down. You can always tell just what mood you should be in and even when the boy is acting out you willingly relax and say to yourself, "He's just a kid." You find yourself amazed at some of the situations that he finds himself in ... wishing that you could do something to get him out of a couple of them. Noticing that his drive was strong even as a young man.

This is a book that I can recommend that everyone read, even if you haven't read the first book. It's an uplifting tale of overcoming adversity on a grand scale and a good read on top of that. I think that I'll be having ECJ check this book out after he's done with the one he's currently working on.

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