Friday, January 20, 2017

Crafts and Cuddles

Last Friday I had intended to do lessons with the campers when we got home from the appointments we had, however we didn't get back until later than I had planned so I moved lessons to Saturday. Daddy left early in the morning to go fix our truck at a friends house and was gone most of the day. The campers and I did all of the work that we'd skipped on Friday and then the girls and I worked on those crafts that they've been wanting to do since they got them at Christmas. Boy, was there a lot of water that I hadn't realized how wet things would get. Lots of towels ... thankfully the crafts had to be washed (twice per instructions) and then dried so the towels we used could also be washed and dried along with the crafts. YCJ made a puppy and Peanut had a kitten to make. They were able to follow the directions very well (illustrated directions are AWESOME) and I only had to help each of them twice ... once when securing the safety eyes and again when clipping the molds together. Of course I am in charge of all laundry, though everyone does pitch in, so I folded the load that I'd skipped folding on Friday and popped the crafts (secured in individual pillow cases) into the wash. The campers watched some Minecraft videos on YouTube while they waited for their projects to be done.

Didn't they turn out AWESOME?!?

Sunday, after mass, we spent the day relaxing and working on individual projects or games that we wanted to work on. I of course was crocheting as usual. And with three tablets (one is my Kindle), two regular Nintendo DS's, a Nintendo 3DS, and a computer ... not to mention the television ... we were able to stay warm while outside was too chilly (but with no snow) to play outside. 

On Monday, after my first pot of coffee (yes, you read that right), we did our lessons. Both book and computer lessons were done quickly and without fuss and so the girls and I took a walk around noon, getting back in time to enjoy some Lunchables that we'd bought while we were out on our walk. The afternoon was spent with ECJ working on a castle he chose to build in Minecraft (he's spent a good two weeks on it and it's AWESOME), YCJ spent most of the afternoon and evening watching Netflix with myself and Daddy (while I crocheted), and Peanut spent her time playing with her Littlest Pet Shops and drawing. We had potato soup for supper and agreed that next time we make it YCJ will do the work with me supervising, we all watched more Netflix after supper and then it would have been bedtime. And yet, around 9 PM both girls were back up and claiming that they weren't tired. Peanut got more play and drawing time and YCJ watched more Netflix with Daddy while I played on the computer. ECJ was the first in bed, we sent the girls to bed around 10:30 PM, and we were off to sleep pretty quickly as well.

Tuesday we did double book and computer lessons because we were going to go help Grandma and Papa on Wednesday. I got a couple grumbles from YCJ about doing double math and language arts but she quickly settled down when reminded we could either do double or she could simply work on the weekend as well. Since we hadn't scheduled to have a day off this week I wasn't going to simply not do the work I had planned on. We've had a couple snow days lately and I figure that and the days that Noni comes out is quite enough four day weeks when I usually schedule five. They worked on their inauguration unit study and listened to more Early American History (we're up to right after the Civil War). The girls were a bit out of sorts from staying up late the night before but we're big believers in natural consequences and so we simply let them be out of sorts. 

So, on Wednesday morning we woke up and got ready to go to Grandma and Papa's house. The campers and I helped Papa start undecorating from Christmas while Daddy ran to the hardware store with Grandma. When Daddy and Grandma returned it was time for Daddy and ECJ to go outside and work on fixing the fence so that the dog wouldn't be able to squeeze under it anymore. The girls and I continued helping Grandma and Papa. We got everything done and cleaned up and ate lunch as well as supper with them. We didn't get home until around 6 PM. Thursday we worked on our book and internet lessons about midday and finished around two PM, time enough for the campers to enjoy some time outside in the mild mid-40 degree weather. I'm sitting here and typing this just after they came back inside and before I start cooking supper. Tomorrow we'll do our lessons again and then slip into a quiet weekend. The forecast is for rain and that means plenty of Netflix this weekend because our antenna doesn't like bringing the channels in during rain storms.

*Yes, I did do laundry this week and YCJ did wear other shirts ... she just favors this one lately and wore it most of the week. Putting it back on as soon as it was washed both times this week.*

You might have missed the following posts this week:
Another Week
No Labels

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