Friday, January 13, 2017

Week of the Wanderer

Our little visitor.
Saturday we spent the entire day as a family relaxing and watching Netflix. I crocheted myself two sweater vests (I love them! I wear them with long sleeve shirts and also with tank tops underneath depending on the weather. I literally get to wear my sweater vests year round!) I crocheted so much that I pulled a muscle in my back by the right shoulder blade and spent half of the day Sunday trying to get the one preemie hat finished. I did end up finishing it but decided against working the muscle too much and didn't do any other crocheting. Sunday was also ECJ's 15th birthday! I made him an orange cream cake and we all relaxed most of the day. We ended up with a wandering visitor for a few hours during the day. This little cutie pie puppy was in our yard and literally walked right into our house! We fed him and kept him warm, posted several things all over Facebook about him being lost, walked our neighborhood in the freezing cold looking for his owner, and ECJ kept him occupied. When ECJ took him outside to use the facilities the owner showed up and was very happy to have found her dog! We didn't do much crafting with the girls over the weekend and their projects got pushed to the side for them to do during the week.

Monday I had to run to the grocery store for a few items that we were missing. Usually I do my major shopping on the ninth for the entire month but since our water pump on the truck went out I only went to the local store with the neighbor. One of Daddy's buddy's will be fixing the truck in his garage within the next week or so. Considering that my freezer is still full of meat we'll be just fine until I can get to do my major shopping. Lessons were done with no issues, Peanut was very happy for it to be Monday again (she does better during the week days because she has a schedule, usually our weekends we don't do much other than go to church and she gets a little cranky with no set schedule to follow). We started my unit study that I'd put together for the campers to learn about the inauguration process. This day only the girls did any work in it and that was to color a picture. I put this unit study together with free items from Teachers Pay Teachers

Tuesday the local schools (public and private) called a snow day. This meant that the girls also would not be having catechism that evening. We called a snow day ourselves and sat as a family watching every single movie of Alpha and Omega that Netflix had. I crocheted (of course) and everyone snacked and just enjoyed hanging out. On Wednesday we all woke up really late. Daddy had an appointment out of town and while he was gone we did our lessons for the day. We started week one, lesson one in Spanish for You , which you might remember we've been doing the free mini lessons from the site ... I received one of the packages to use with the girls for free in exchange of a review so sometime within this month there will be a review of the product, and probably again closer to the end of the year. Because we didn't start our lessons until after noon (actually closer to one PM) we had to take a lunch break right in the middle of lessons. While YCJ cooked noodles for herself and her sister Peanut kept working on her school work and ECJ made himself a sandwich so that he could hurry through lunch and finish with his lessons. We did another worksheet about the inauguration this day as well. We have a few more worksheets to do in the unit study and then we'll watch either a video of inaugurations from the past or if I remember we'll catch this year's live broadcast.

Thursday turned out to be a rather interesting day due to a power outage right in the middle of the morning that lasted pretty much the rest of the day until early afternoon. We simply continued on with our book lessons, skipped over our computer lessons, and did about an hour of read alouds with each other while we waited for the power to come back on. It's amazing how quickly a house will chill down without a furnace running in January, we're just lucky that the day was close to 50* out so we weren't in danger of getting too cold. Well before dinner the power came back on and all three campers, now completely finished with lessons, went off into the front bedroom and began to play together. It's not often that ECJ plays with his little sisters anymore and we relished the relative peace that settled over the house. It was also an interesting day due to the fact that we'd gotten so much rain in a 24 hour period that every flake of snow melted and we had a lake for the front yard. I spent about an hour making my daily preemie hat for donation (I may decide to make all size hats to donate instead of all preemie) and then decided to finish off this week's post.

Friday I'll be going with Daddy in the morning to an appointment that he has out of town. The campers and I will do the lessons after I return and we'll probably work on some craft projects. We don't have any major plans for the weekend either so it will probably be a couple of days of quiet at home relaxation which we all enjoy. Well, Daddy has a busy day Saturday helping one of his friends but the rest of us will be staying at home ... perhaps we'll find a new book to read as a family.

This week we went more in depth with the Civil War (at least with the girls) than we've ever done before and the conversations that came from those history lessons. We also decided that MineCraft might as well be added into some of ECJ's schooling and so he "built" an Iroquois Long House, to scale, in a world he created just for school lessons. Next time he'll be "building" some forts to scale and so forth. He was surprised at how little time it took him and I was impressed that he thought to ask what items were usually inside of a Long House and that he took the time to try to make it as realistic inside and out as possible while making his scale model. The picture to the left is his Long House even though it isn't the best picture I am still impressed with what he accomplished simply by letting him use something that he enjoyed using to begin with.

Posts you may have missed this week:
A Birthday Menu
The Homeschool Reader book review

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Linked up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Looks like a good week! We love a snow day spent binge watching a series. And Minecraft is always a hit.

  2. It's the first time we've integrated Minecraft into our homeschool learning and I was really pleased with how it turned out. It's our second snow day this year. Some years we don't have any but considering how well we're doing this year I decided that they couldn't hurt
