Friday, February 24, 2017

Back on Schedule

We spent the entire weekend pretty much outside! We broke record highs here in Michigan on Saturday and we took advantage of that with a walk to the park. We had BBQ for supper both Saturday and Sunday and visited with our neighbors who were also using their BBQ this weekend. The campers played with friends that they hadn't spent much time with due to the colder weather, they ran around the entire neighborhood, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We acted much like we always do when the first of the spring weather shows up. It's been a really mild winter around here this year and although we've enjoyed the weather having it be nearly 70 one day and 60+ the following day really got our juices flowing to be outside.

Instead of pulling all that energy back in and getting back to work first thing on Monday we just did our online lessons. ECJ handed me his grade sheets that were completed from the first half of the year that I hadn't collected from him as of yet. The girls did some extra reading and then pulled out both ECJ's tablet and Peanut's tablet to play a new game that they discovered last week. YCJ will be getting a tablet for her birthday this year (she already knows because she verified with Noni that that's what she was going to be getting from her) and she's antsy to have it now instead of in a couple of months from now. ECJ is being a good sport about letting her play with his tablet when he isn't using it. He spent most of his day working on his report for Misdsummer's Night's Dream

Tuesday we got back to our regular scheduled lessons. The spring weather chased all of our mid-February blues away and reminded us that we want to have plenty of free time this summer. We got our lessons done quickly, including the online lessons, and then the girls and I went for a walk even though it was lightly raining at the time. It's hard to pass up 60* weather! Daddy leaned on the railing on our deck that evening and almost went over the side when the railing gave out. So, we began the take down of the deck a little earlier than we'd planned, getting the railing off and the deck cleaned up during the evening while the campers played with the neighbor girl right before sunset.

On Wednesday, another wonderful weather day, we got our lessons done quickly as well while Daddy ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off. He had an appointment in the morning, had to go to the scrap yard to clear out the bed of the truck, stop at Grandma and Papa's house, and pick up all the wood for the deck from his friend. He was gone before I woke up the campers and didn't get home until mid afternoon. Before we started our lessons I threw sausage and sour kraut into the crock pot to cook for supper because since we had time, and the weather was so nice, we decided to go to the park before the local high school let out. Plus the girls had made plans with the neighbor girl for directly after the bus drops her off from school. It was a busy but fulfilling day. 

Thursday the girls and I did lessons, both online and in books, while ECJ and Daddy tore apart our old deck. ECJ did his lessons in the late afternoon and early evening after helping clean up the area. We found cement almost completely under the entire deck so we decided to make the deck smaller and keep a larger patio. Friday it was all hands on deck (hahaha) in getting the new smaller deck built. We managed to get it done just before the rain swept in! We didn't do book or online lessons in favor of getting the deck finished (other than putting the railings on) and so we'll be doing lessons tomorrow.

Posts you might have missed this week:
Promise Not to Tell - Book Review

Find us on Facebook here.

Linked up this week with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers for the Weekly Wrap Up.
And Homeschool Highlights.


  1. We're enjoying quite a reprieve from winter weather too! Sounds like a wonderful and busy week.

    1. It was a wonderful week of lessons and hands on learning!

  2. this abnormally warm weather had us out and about this week as well. :)

    1. I love spring weather when you aren't expecting it!

  3. Glad you could enjoy the warm weather and get school done as well! Thanks for joining us at Homeschool Highlights.

    1. We had so much fun! And thanks for hosting Homeschool Highlights!
