Thursday, July 20, 2017

Normal or Boring

Ok, so as I sit down to write this I have a confession. Seems like our normal routine every week can be kind of boring to most people ... but it is our normal everyday life. Sometimes we're super busy and can't seem to catch up to ourselves ... and sometimes we're all laid back and it seems like we haven't done anything all week long. Normal looks different to everyone ... our normal might not (and probably isn't) your normal. And you know what? That's OK! The beautiful thing about life is that we each get to be individuals and what works for one person or family probably won't for another.

So, with that said here's our boring/normal week that we've had...

Over the weekend we did the following: 

  • Friday we did school lessons, ran to the scrap yard, and then spent a lot of time outside enjoying the weather together.
  • Saturday we went for a long drive and tried to stop at the cider mill for a quiet cider and donuts lunch, but they were having the lavender festival and there were so many people there that it overloaded poor Peanut. We did manage, with much juggling between parents, to get our cider and donuts for lunch. Then we took a longer ride to go pick up some movies to watch over the next several days and went home to spend nearly the rest of the day outside enjoying the weather again. We didn't end up watching any movies together as the campers were too tired out to enjoy one.
  • Sunday we went to mass, then went to Grandma and Papa's house for a pulled pork and macaroni salad supper, went scrapping, and then when we got home we watched Batman Lego Movie and The Fast and the Furious 8.
Honestly, the weekend went by in kind of a blur. We stopped at a three parks on Sunday and got our frozen drinks like usual. This was our favorite type of weekend, family and friends, donuts and cider, movies and popcorn.

Monday we didn't do lessons, instead Daddy took the day off of work and we took apart scrap as a family before he and I took the scrap back. We then went scrapping a bit and came home. Pizza was what was for supper and then we watched Smurfs The Lost Village together as a family before tucking the campers into bed for the night. On Tuesday we did lessons as usual and tried to mow the lawn ... but ECJ flooded the lawnmower again so we had to leave it sit so that it would work again. I did laundry and cleaned up the house some. The campers got their lessons done rather quickly. And after lunch we headed over to Grandma and Papa's house to say goodbye to Auntie and some cousins who were leaving the next day to head back to Texas where they live. Daddy and I went scrapping for a couple hours and left the campers there to play with their cousins and then we picked up pizza for the entire extended family to eat. After supper we said our goodbyes and headed out scrapping again. We saw a large cloud of black smoke and chased down the origins of the fire ... a Chevrolet dealer was on fire and we got there before even the news trucks did ... thankfully there were plenty of people working the fire and nobody got hurt. We then finished scrapping, stopped at a park for about twenty minutes, and surprised everyone with frozen drinks on the way home. 

Wednesday started pretty busy. Daddy and I woke up rather early and spent some time together just the two of us. Then he drove me to the store to pick up some essentials before the girls woke up and after dropping me back off he went into work. ECJ skipped breakfast, claiming that he wasn't hungry, and began offloading the truck by himself from all of the scrap and proceeded afterwards to take apart the couple of things that needed to be taken apart. Peanut woke up while I was starting a load of laundry, putting clothing in the dryer, and making rice for our dogs (who haven't been feeling the best the last few days but have nothing major wrong with them per the vet). I gave Peanut her breakfast and then updated this blog (usually I do it day by day but honestly everything up to this point was written Wednesday morning). After YCJ woke up and had her breakfast I did lessons with the girls, folded a load of laundry, changed my bedding on my king sized bed, and then went out to take care of our little garden. The girls did their chores and then played outside until Daddy got home. Then we all loaded up the truck with the scrap and Daddy and I went to the scrap yard, we stopped on the way back to pick up some items at Tractor Supply and then went scrapping (with a quick stop at a park). After scrapping we had supper of baked chicken, potato salad, and corn. Topped the night off by watching Beauty and the Beast, the non-animated version, as a family. Then it was off to bed with the campers. Peanut got her bedtime story, both ECJ and YCJ read for their allotted time before going to sleep, and then Daddy and I watched a scary movie together right before we went to sleep ourselves.

On Thursday Daddy and I woke up a little early and spent some quiet time together. Then we woke up the campers and let them do their chores while we ran to the store really quickly. I called off lessons for the day because nobody was really feeling like doing them. So, instead ECJ took apart some scrap, YCJ and Peanut played with Littlest Pet Shops, I updated this blog and added pictures, and then I played my computer game while Daddy was at work. When Daddy got home he and I took the scrap back to the yard and then went scrapping. The campers stayed home and cleaned up the house for us while we were gone. When we got home we ran the rental movies back to the store and then relaxed with each other for the rest of the night.

You can find us on Facebook here.

Linking up with Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights this week.


  1. Sounds like a productive week to me. I think most bloggers feel like our lives might be boring to others. I know I think mine is sometimes. I am writing about other thing right now because of that fact.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I think it's just because I write about our week every week. I really enjoy the posting of it ... I just think that sometimes people might find it a bit boring!

  2. Looks like your "normal boring" week had a few exciting adventures thrown in! Thanks for linking up at Homeschool Highlights!

    1. There were definitely some surprises that we weren't counting on! Thanks for hosting Homeschool Highlights!
