Friday, October 27, 2017

6th Week 17/18

Over the weekend Papa gave us all a scare and went into the hospital overnight. It ended up being an inner ear infection which caused an episode of vertigo which had caused him to fall. This happened Friday morning. By Sunday afternoon he was feeling up to a quick visit from us, so the girls (including SweetPea) along with Daddy and I stopped by Grandma and Papa's house to visit. We grabbed them some fruit from the store while we were at it because Papa was out of his fruit that he eats with breakfast. We then went scrapping for a bit and stopped at two parks where the campers and their niece had an absolute blast playing!

This past week was a catch-up week for us. We've been off schedule for a couple of weeks so we used this week to catch up on lessons really quick. This meant that we only had two days worth of formal lessons using the text books ... but we had a wonderful nature walk and then a really fun evening of painting pumpkins together. This week in Exploring Nature with Children it was pumpkin week! Next week, due to there being five weeks in this month, we'll be having a break week from this awesome curriculum. If you haven't purchased it yet then you might want to do so ... the price is going up at the end of October.
Painting pumpkins

We are still in the review stage with the girl's work so they're not learning much of anything new except that Peanut is now able to multiply 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4's up to 9 ... sometimes with help and sometimes all on her own. I think that it is time to purchase Times Tales for her. I have heard wonderful things about this DVD and figure that it certainly cannot hurt for her to try it. Perhaps she'll be able to multiply faster than I can after watching this DVD a few times. ECJ is still struggling with his creative writing ... but he's resigned that it's part of his curriculum this year. He also began having guitar lessons this week with a friend of ours who is giving him lessons for free (this is WONDERFUL!). 

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Linking up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

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