Monday and Tuesday we worked on some basic stuff with everyone. I got out the flashcards for ABC's, 123's, Multiplication, Division, Sight Words, Adding, Subtracting, and major land marks throughout the world. We made a game of school both days. Daddy had an appointment on Tuesday morning with the neurologist (everything has come back normal, it doesn't explain the migraines but I'm still very thankful) and Little Man and I went with him to the doctor's office. Both Cracker Jacks and Peanut, plus Sweet Pea, stayed home while we went to the doctor office ... and other than spilled on clothing for Sweet Pea everything went swimmingly. Of course Sweet Pea isn't yet two years old and we're all very well aware of how messy toddlers can be. Monday night I made turkey meatballs, mushroom/onion gravy, and noodles for supper while Tuesday night we had a "fend for yourself night". On fend for yourself nights the children can pick whatever they want to eat and so long as I don't have to cook it for them they can eat it. I cheated a little bit and took over the oven to make four personal pizzas for the kids who could eat them (I didn't want anyone to get burned because the Cracker Jack's aren't yet used to using the oven with a toddler in the house). Daddy and I ate subs for supper and (most exciting to me) Little Man ate a bowl of rice cereal!!! He just started eating cereal so he's still practicing on how it goes to eat something other than a bottle of formula and I'm being reminded that I have to try to remember what ages babies eat certain foods again. (Any tips or pointers for that, please feel free to comment!)
Movie night! |
On Wednesday I figured that it was time to get back to the book lessons, we really have several books to finish by the end of August so that we can "grade up" when September rolls around. We school year round so I really don't see this as being a problem, but with the past several months being more unschooling than book learning I feel that need to check those boxes that certain curriculum is completed. So, out came the Prairie Primer for the girls as we began Little House on the Prairie , the second book in the nine book series ... we're really enjoying this unit study and I might pick another next year (but, more likely, we'll be using The Good and The Beautiful language arts exclusively). After book lessons the campers went back to working on individual projects: video creation and editing for both girls and online computer program program for ECJ. We topped the night off with watching Aliens Ate My Homework and Daddy's Home 2.
(SweetPea was giving him a pat on the head) |
Thursday and Friday were pretty uneventful. We did lessons both days, the campers played video games, the grandcampers watched lots of Spongebob Squarepants season 2 as they both are very entertained by watching the same episodes several times each day (we rotate the three disks every three days, they just pretty much get played on repeat as background noise when we're not doing school or watching other movies together). Little Man still isn't enjoying tummy time too much but we got him a new jumper this week and he's absolutely loving it!
Saturday and Sunday (ok, I forgot to publish this Friday) ... Saturday we spent much of the day grocery shopping, leaving ECJ in charge on and off all day long of the younger children. He's very up to the task and for the most part doesn't complain (though there are days he doesn't like being the responsible one). We managed to completely fill our refrigerator and both the regular freezer and the deep freezer! We only need to pick up some canned goods for the pantry sometime during the week. We do our main grocery shopping once a month so being able to fill everything, and possibly not need to buy as much meat next month, is wonderful! Saturday night both Little Man and SweetPea had issues ... Little Man slept fitfully on and off throughout the night and SweetPea did much the same and constantly wanted "Aba" (her grandfather, my hubby)... for that reason Daddy and I were both very tired Sunday morning and almost overslept and missed mass! But, we did wake up and manage to get four of the five kiddos ready (ECJ stayed home as he doesn't have his driver's license yet and there are not enough seats in the truck for seven people), get out the door, and drive the 45 minutes to get to Gaga and Papa's church for mass! We enjoyed mass, had breakfast with Daddy's sister and Gaga and Papa at the church, and then went over to Gaga and Papa's house to visit for awhile. The time change really threw us off all day long, eating meals at the wrong times because of it ... getting caught up in cleaning the house Sunday afternoon/evening (and putting together SweetPea's new bed!!!) to the point that it was seven o' clock before we were eating supper!
And SweetPea is sleeping in her brand new big girl bed!!!
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Linking up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights this week.
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