Sunday, July 29, 2018

Busy Little Campers

Monday we woke up rather early. There was a load of scrap in the truck already that Daddy just secured with ties and then we ran it to the scrap yard. A second trip to the scrap yard happened after a quick run home and another filling of the truck. We were done with scrapping by 11 AM and back at the house. Daddy and I dropped Monkey off so that she could take a shower and grab something to eat and then he and I grabbed some chicken on the way to my 11:30 appointment. I was out just before noon. Daddy and I went and picked up six large boxes to help with the moving and then headed back to the house, where paint was loaded into the trunk and back seat of the car, and Monkey and I traded places. She ran with Daddy out to the new house to finish running some wiring and clean up part of the basement while I stayed home with the other campers and we did two days worth of school. Did we have to do two days worth? Nope, we could have just done one day. But, I figured we could get two out of the four school days scheduled for this week done and then I could either double up another day this week or pick school back up after Noni's scheduled visit for Wednesday. I folded a load of laundry, wrote out my notes for the blog, got both Peanut and YCJ off into the bath and the shower after lunch (which YCJ cooked), and then played a video game for a few minutes to calm my irritation... Yes, for very little reason this day I was irritated and I needed to calm down before I lost my cool. I talked to Daddy on the phone a bit and then I went and crocheted quietly in my room waiting on chicken to defrost so that I could make supper out of it ... possibly two or three suppers out of it. (10 pounds of legs and thighs go a long way when cooked properly.)

On Tuesday the adults were all up by 9:30 (Daddy and Monkey are both early risers and were "sleeping in" when they woke up at 8!) and the campers quickly followed. Daddy and Monkey went back out to the new house to do some more work while I stayed home with the younger campers to do some more school. We did two more days worth of lessons again! That finished out the lessons for the week and we won't be having more lessons until mid-August after we're finished moving (so the campers are getting a larger break of possibly double the time off in July and August, but we'll still do at least two weeks worth of lessons before the "new" school year begins in September.) Approximately 7 pounds worth of chicken had cooked in the crock pot over night while we slept, so I took each piece out and shredded the meat for two more meals (putting each half into two separate containers in the fridge) ... I'll be making chicken noodle soup with one batch of meat and chicken quesadillas with the other batch. ECJ did the breakfast and lunch dishes and then I ran a load of laundry. Afterwards I crocheted while ECJ worked on his coding and the girls worked on crafts and videos. Daddy and Monkey came home in the afternoon and I had a meatloaf ready for Daddy to put on the bbq to cook. Meds were passed out at normal times, bedtime rituals were done, and everyone in the house was asleep by 11 PM.

Wednesday!! Noni came out again and we were off to the inland beach that we went to two weeks ago!! We had the exact same lunch as we did last time, turkey or ham sandwiches with cheese and potato chips. We ate before anyone went into the water and Noni had brought four floatation devices with her that we blew up with her car adapter. The campers all had fun swimming and floating in the water. Noni had hurt her toe two nights before and didn't want to get into the lake and as for me I didn't think it was quite hot enough for swimming so we stayed out and chatted while the campers went swimming. Daddy even showed up about halfway through our time there and hung out and chatted as well! Afterwards Noni stopped by Meijer (a grocery and other store more expensive than Walmart) and we picked up a few things that were needed that I hadn't purchased in the last couple of weeks due to the upcoming move. We had a quiet night after Noni left and all of us were in bed by 11 PM.

On Thursday the girls, Daddy, and I ran out with a load of belongings from our shed (think kids bikes, tools, and yard equipment) to the new house. We unloaded everything into the garage and checked out the inside of the house, straightening a bit of a mess that had been left from all of the electrical work, before turning around and heading back home. But, we hadn't gone out until afternoon so we didn't make it home until supper time ... I threw together some chicken quesadillas for supper, passed out meds, did bedtime rituals, took a long hot bath, and watched some scary movies that we had in the house. 

Friday we had a long day with an appointment for Monkey taking up the better part of the middle of the day. We didn't feel like taking a load of furniture out to the new house and so we picked up several different movies for the campers and the adults and just hung out around the house for the rest of the day.

The weekend was a bit packed with painting being done by the girls, Daddy, and myself at the new house on Saturday. We got two rooms basically finished and did some more cleaning and planning. Daddy and Monkey sanded the plaster walls in the kitchen to prep them for paint when they go back out there. The plan is to be totally moved in by this time next weekend. On Sunday we went to mass and then did a bit of scrapping followed by Monkey learning some basic mechanics from Daddy on our car. Monkey is currently planning on becoming a mechanic and Daddy figures it's time she start learning a bit while he supervises. The rest of the day will be spent with one more trip around the neighborhood looking for scrap, supper of fried bologna/egg/and cheese sandwiches, some crochet, and a few scary movies...

Linked up this week for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

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