Monday, December 12, 2016

Shopping and a Menu

So, I've had several people ask how I can do one main grocery shopping trip each month, have enough food to last, and still feed five people on less than $420 a month. Because of that I've decided to do a quick post this week about how I manage to do that. I don't use coupons mainly because I don't tend to buy name brand items ...  I do, however, use store coupons but only on products that I would already be buying. What good is a coupon for buy one get one free anything if it's something that no one in your house is ever going to eat?

I start with a simple list of what we've run out of, or are short on, already ...

This month this is what that list looks like:

  • pork (chops, loins, whatever is on sale)
  • ground turkey (at least five pounds)
  • fish (at least four pounds, preferably six or eight depending on price)
  • boneless/skinless chicken breasts or loins (for chicken quesadillas and chicken wraps ... three packages)
  • turkey bologna and hot dogs (five packs each)
  • sliced and shredded cheeses
  • cream of mushroom soup (about 24 cans, we go through a lot)
  • Ramen soup (chicken and beef ... a case of each)
  • bananas
  • apples
  • oranges
  • potatoes
  • onions
  • tomatoes
  • lettuce
  • salt and pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and chicken seasoning
  • nacho cheese chips (for nachos)
  • salsa con queso cheese dip (for nachos)
  • sour cream
  • tortilla shells
  • variety of juices
  • pickles and olives
  • variety of cereals and oatmeal
  • eggs
  • 2 containers of butter
  • peanut butter and jelly (two containers of each)

I already have a lot of chicken in my freezer (a shelf and a half full) so I won't be doing a huge shopping trip for meat this month. And honestly my pantry is pretty full considering that the teenage boy swallows food like a black hole. Notice that there's very little junk food listed. I don't buy much and then it's usually for a special occasion like if we host a BBQ or something like that. That list is relatively small for a month worth of food and although I would like a TON of fish it really just depends on the price. I'll buy four pounds if it's not on sale and probably eight pounds if it is, which would mean that I don't have to buy fish for next month. I shop clearance sections for several of my meat items and an off brand grocery store that is more reasonably priced than the regular stores. We eat pretty much the same thing every month so that makes it easier for me to plan.

You'll notice that bread and milk are not on the above list. Neither is the couple of things I need to pick up for the Christmas holiday. I pick those things up each week, or in the case of the holiday a few days beforehand. We go through about two gallons of milk a week and three loaves of bread, so every week I pop into the store for bread and milk. I store the bread in the refrigerator so that it's fresher and not as soft when spreading things like butter or peanut butter on it.

This week's menu:

Saturday - nachos
Sunday - baked chicken with stuffing, buttered noodles, and green beans
Monday - ground turkey tacos
Tuesday - pork chops, baked potatoes, and corn
Wednesday - chicken noodle soup (using up the leftover chicken from Sunday)
Thursday - chili dogs and french fries
Friday - baked fish, mac and cheese, and spinach

Nachos done simply

  1. one - two pounds ground turkey meat
  2. one - two jars of salsa con queso
  3. garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper
  4. one - two bags of nacho cheese chips
Brown ground turkey in frying pan with seasonings. When meat is finished cooking add the jar(s) of salsa con queso into the same pan and heat until just warm. Put chips on a plate and cover with meat and cheese mix. Top with sour cream, tomatoes, olives, peppers ... whatever you like on top of your nachos. ENJOY!

Linked up today with Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.


  1. Those nachos sound yummy! I need to see if I have tortilla chips in the pantry...

    1. They're so simple to make and the kids eat it like it's going to vanish any second! One of our favorite meals around here and I only make it usually once a month near the beginning of the month. I think perhaps that's why they always eat it all and there's never any leftovers
