Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Christian Home School Book Review

The Christian Home School
By: Gregg Harris

Book Review

This book is a great how to start, and maintain focus, of your homeschool in a Christian way. It begins with reasons why the authors think that homeschooling is the best option and gives tangible examples. Throughout the entire book the Bible is referenced in conjunction with their opinions and really makes you realize that indeed homeschooling can be a calling from God.

There are eleven well written chapters in this book, as well as a complete introduction and conclusion. You will never find yourself lost as you read this book. I'll admit that it took me nearly a week to finish reading it, but in my defense I only read when in the bathtub soaking and I only soaked my aching back three times in the last week. A homeschooling mom needs to get her breaks where she can ya know!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and not just because of it's Christian nature. There are great pointers on how to get ready to homeschool. Looking into the laws of your state, getting and choosing curriculum, looking for support groups or co-ops in your area, and joining the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.  There's plenty of other books and periodicals that the author mentions might be a good place to look for more information or read.

I really don't want to go word for word through this book with you as I think you should either buy yourself a copy online or borrow a copy from your local library and you'll soon see why I enjoyed this book so very much.

The fate of empires depends on the education of our youth.

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