Sunday we got up early and went to mass, then Daddy had an appointment in the next town over, followed by a visit to Grandma and Papa's. We took them some leftovers that we knew that they'd enjoy and ran and errand for them and then had a wonderful visit. After which we went to the park and went scrapping afterwards. We noticed when we got home that the tomatoes and some of the herbs have sprouted in their little pots!

On Monday we did our lessons right after Daddy left for work. Pumping some music through the house while we did Language Arts and Math. Dancing and singing while doing lessons can really get the day, and the week, off to the right kind of start. YCJ struggled a bit with fractions today ... she's not grasping that 8/8 (for example) = 1 and vice versa. We'll get there I'm sure in time. Peanut is still enjoying doing ABC Mouse each day and she looks forward to it as if it were just a game and not something that is teaching her to read better. ECJ helped today by doing some read a loud for YCJ in American History and helped with her math a bit as well to just give her a different person to growl at about fractions. We also did a retake of the bouncing egg experiment and did get it to bounce a bit before it accidentally got smashed right into YCJ's lap! After Daddy was done with work he and I went to the scrap yard and then stopped at the grocery store for some steaks. We'd smelled BBQ steak in nearly every neighborhood Sunday night and got a craving for some ourselves, so that's what was on the menu for supper Monday. And of course the day was ended with more scrapping and then Daddy driving his buddy to work before he and I went to bed.

Tuesday we got up in the morning and Daddy went to work. While the campers did their chores and ate breakfast I prepped supper and got it started in the crock pot. Then we did lessons on adjectives, nominative and objective use of I/we/me/us, algebra, poetry, shapes and separating other shapes out of bigger shapes, and fractions with a touch of converting cm into mm. What a quick day it was getting lessons done in less than an hour! Which was a good thing because Noni came over and we did a take out lunch and some movies from RedBox. The original plan had been to go to the park but we had that misty rain so we switched gears to movies. We watched Sing all together and also rented three other movies to watch during the evening: Fantastic Beasts, Pete's Dragon, and Patriots Day. The last of which we rented for just Daddy and I to watch during the evening after the campers go to bed. After Noni left the kids chose to watch Fantastic Beasts together while Daddy was still at work. The girls had their last catechism class for the year in the mid-afternoon where YCJ had a pizza party and Peanut got candy as a reward. Then the girls, Daddy, and I went scrapping for a bit before coming home and eating a late supper.

On Wednesday Daddy left for work before the rest of us were even awake. By 10 AM the rest of us were up for breakfast, chores, and coffee (well, I was up for coffee). By 10:30 we were doing lessons, including measuring the seedlings that have sprouted in the containers; the tomatoes grew 2 cm overnight! It's great to see the campers finding an interest in seeds again this year. I have the containers ready for our container garden but you can't plant anything outside here until after Mother's Day if you want to be fairly sure that the frost won't get them. Even though we're having a really warm spring I'm not going to chance it. Lessons were done, including the computer lessons, well before one in the afternoon. Peanut got introduced again to fractions of 1/2 and 1/4 and she flew through her math lesson because we talk about these fractions on almost a daily basis when we cut things to eat. As in do you want your sandwich cut in halves or fourths? After lessons I went to work on a second garter for my sister to wear at her wedding (I'm making two so she can wear one and keep it and have her new hubby toss the other one), I completed the first one on Monday. Working with thread to make things is a little tricky when you're used to working with much thicker yarn than the thread that is on your hook. After Daddy got home from work we ran to the scrap yard and then did a couple little things around the house. Followed by more scrapping and a stop at a playground that we found while we were out.

Thursday Daddy went to an appointment in the next town leaving ECJ to break down the scrap that needed to be broken down. ECJ applied himself to the task instead of doing lessons during the morning and made them up at night (he really can do his lessons any time of the day, usually he just does them while the girls do to have something to do). The girls and I did lessons really quickly and then Peanut took a quick bath to get her temporary tattoos off before doing her online lessons. I did next week's lesson plans while the computer was being used by the girls. When Daddy got home he finished taking apart the scrap and then we were all off to the scrap yard after lunch. After the scrap yard we came home and relaxed for the rest of the day. Netflix and crochet with lots of giggles was just what we needed for the night.
This week Peanut began learning about fractions: 1/2, 1/4, and 1/3 ... she also began the dreaded sentence diagramming (which all of my kids hate). YCJ worked hard at decimals and angles during math and did work with pronouns for review. ECJ flew through his algebra work this week and struggled still with writing poems. We finished lesson 5 in Notgrass: America the Beautiful this week and YCJ finished her other History text as well. We'll be leaving off doing history again until the beginning of next school year, touching on it through movies and cartoons off and on throughout the summer. We're also doing less for science now with Peanut just working through her science workbook (this week was nutrition) and YCJ picking a topic each week to research and write a report about. ECJ still has several weeks worth of science to complete to get his credit. Our major science project for the rest of this school year and throughout the summer will be our veggie and herb garden.
We were so busy this week that the week just seemed to fly by. Everyone is on allergy medicine now and still struggling with allergies already due to the warmth we've been having. But, we're getting tons of hours outside thanks to it being so warm so it's a trade off.
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Posts you may have missed this week:
Notgrass: America the Beautiful review
The Privilege of Youth - book review
Linking up this week for the weekly wrap up and homeschool highlights.