Thursday, September 28, 2017

Second Week 17/18

Six of the 8 giant zucchini that we picked up
from the cider mill.
Friday Daddy had to go to work, but first he and I enjoyed two cups of coffee in a relatively quiet house because only two of the campers were up... Peanut was watching a Monster High DVD that we just bought the girls the day before and ECJ was on his tablet reading a book in his room. After Daddy left for work it was breakfast, chores, and then helping Mommy clean the house time. Honestly, I think it's time we do a major purge and downsize our things again because we will be moving sometime in the next year. (The house that I talked about a few weeks ago we backed out of the deal due to some major repairs that we'd have to do before even moving into the house, but we're still looking for a house to purchase before the end of next spring.) With all of the organizing that could be done and the moving of the living room furniture to vacuum underneath the major amount of cleaning was done. Peanut and YCJ pulled out their electronic devices to watch some YouTube videos about Littlest Pet Shops, ECJ did the dishes and then was back on his tablet, and I worked on finishing a crochet project that I've been working on that's a Christmas gift for a dear friend of mine. When Daddy came home we loaded up the campers, stopped at a couple of places (one of which was the cider mill where we had a donut and cider lunch and picked up several HUGE zucchinis), and ended up at Grandma and Papa's house for a visit. We had Taco Bell for supper simply because by the time we got home nobody wanted to cook in the heat and we were looking for something quick that we don't eat that often. 

On Saturday we all woke up slowly between nine and ten in the morning. Daddy helped me strip and remake our bed, I threw the sheets in the washer, and Daddy went to his appointment a couple of towns over. ECJ went to cut one of his customers grass and the girls played with their electronic devices. I crocheted while Daddy was gone ... contemplating if I was going to go to the next craft fair here in town as a vendor. When Daddy got home he and I ran to the store to pick up some things we were running out of like dish soap and put some gas in the truck. Then we spent about an hour contemplating if we should take the dingy old carpet out of the living room ... even washing it doesn't help. But, with the temperatures in the 90's this weekend and us not having central air ... we decided against tearing out the carpet this weekend. It will be done another day. The rest of the evening we relaxed and then watched Homeward Bound as a family.

Sunday started out with mass, followed by some scrapping just north of town, and a trip to Grandma and Papa's house. We all visited for awhile and then Daddy and I left to go scrap down there, leaving the campers with Grandma and Papa ... they watched Nut Job while we were gone. After Daddy and I got back supper was ready, Grandma had made pulled pork for supper (we'd picked up the buns, some potato salad, and chips on our way to their house). Supper was great!! When we got home the campers all scattered to do what they wanted, meaning electronics, while Daddy and I turned on Netflix (we started our subscription back up in anticipation of cooler weather) and binge watched Fuller House season three while I crocheted some potholders.

Monday can be found by following this link ... A Day in the Life 2017.

Neat looking fallen
tree that we saw on our nature
On Tuesday we decided to call off book lessons, even though I'd just planned the whole week the day before, in favor of going to the park and taking our nature walk for the International Homeschool Spirit Week out and about day. When we got home the campers did some nature journaling while Daddy was at work. I updated the blog and then started on a project for a friend by crocheting lemons for her patio which is lemon themed. I had an appointment at 1 PM which Daddy came home from work to take me to, he then went back to work for a little while. After Daddy came home we all relaxed a bit and hung out together. I made breakfast for supper: fried potatoes, sunny side up eggs, and toast. The girls and I read more of Little Women at bed time, Peanut fell asleep almost at the end of the chapter.
Super hero masks

Wednesday we all got up pretty early, but not too early, and got our chores and breakfast out of the way. I started my day with two cups of coffee and a load of laundry in both the washer and the dryer. After Daddy went to work the campers and I got busy with lessons. We were done before noon this day and then I had them all make super hero masks (for International Homeschool Spirit Week's Super Hero Day) for either themselves or their pokemon. We're having so much fun with this spirit week! After lessons the girls helped me move the couches so that I could vacuum underneath them, I folded a load of laundry while the girls put the clothing from the washer into the dryer, and then we all helped Daddy take apart a small load of scrap he'd picked up from around town. I ran with Daddy to the scrap yard while the campers stayed home and cleaned their rooms and then Daddy dropped me off and headed back to work for a little bit. When Daddy got back he and I headed out scrapping while the campers camped out in our bedroom watching Netflix. We surprised the campers by picking up Little Caesar's Pizza for supper while we were out.

So, Thursday, we woke up to a perfectly crisp fall day. After most of the week being in the high 80's and low 90's our high for Thursday was just 66*!!! I LOVE fall, y'all!! This day was crazy hair day for the International Homeschool Spirit Week and I just couldn't get any of the campers to do anything crazy with their hair this day. So, no crazy hair pictures. We all woke up early, Daddy had an appointment a couple of towns over and ECJ had to get busy (after chores and breakfast) taking apart scrap. The girls at breakfast and did their morning chores leisurely while I updated this blog post. We called lessons off for the day except for the pond study that we were doing this week for Exploring Nature with Children, I had the girls watch the videos and check out all the links supplied on the pond study's page since our local park doesn't have a pond for us to observe in person. The girls then spent some time drawing pictures of ponds in their books. When Daddy got home we finished taking apart the scrap and then went to the scrap yard. After that Daddy and I took a drive to check out another truck for sale. Our day ended with chicken marinated in Italian dressing for supper.

Friday is giving back day for the International Home Spirit Week and we plan on writing a soldier to thank him or her for their service. The rest of Friday remains a mystery as I'll figure it out after we do our lessons in the morning but for sure Daddy will be at work.

I hope that you had a good week!!

Find us on Facebook here. We're also on Instagram!

Linking up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day in the Life 2017

For the Back to School blog hop from ihomeschool network's Day in the Life I decided to highlight one of our regular days of school. I do this each year and pretty much approach it the same way each time. So, let's take a peek at how our day unfolds...

September 25, 2017

9 AM - Daddy was already awake and getting ready for work when we woke up the campers so that they could do their morning chores and eat breakfast.

9:30 AM - Daddy left for work and we began school. It is International Homeschool Spirit Week and this day's theme is Pajama day. ECJ dressed first thing in the morning as he always does, Peanut had slept in some clothing that was comfortable, but I was able to catch YCJ doing her school work in her pajamas! We are currently working on finishing the school books from last year (because I always like to finish them) and our lessons follow the same schedule daily ... Language Arts while I read the girls a Bible lesson, Math, Science, Handwriting, History, and Geography. Each camper has to read silently at some point during the day and they each choose to read at their own time, most of them reading right before bed. Peanut reads earlier because I read to her and YCJ every night before bed.

10 - 12:30 - I did the lesson planning for the week while the campers did their lessons, I hadn't remembered to do it on Thursday evening so I was playing catch up. It's not as easy planning lessons while teaching other lessons but somehow I always manage to get it done even though it's not my preferred way to do things. It took about three hours to do lessons this day.

12:30 - 2:30 - After lessons were done the girls took a break with electronics together on the couch before taking a shower. Meanwhile ECJ was outside taking apart scrap that we'd picked up the night before. Daddy came home in the middle of this time and helped take apart scrap. By the time 2:30 rolled around all scrap was taken apart and the girls were squeaky clean, ECJ was ready for lunch (as were the girls), so while Daddy and I went to the scrap yard YCJ made spaghetti'o's for lunch.
At the scrap yard.

3:30 - When Daddy and I got back home it was time to power wash both of the vehicles... Much fun was had while getting them clean...

6 - 8 - After we finished with the vehicles Daddy had to go back to work to check on some lighting issues that were going on. The campers played electronics together taking turns while I crocheted a lemon for part of a gift for a friend.

8 - 9:30 PM - We had a late supper of shrimp pasta (super simple, filling, and YUMMY!) and then the campers went to their rooms to read or play on their electronics. Medicine was passed out to the girls. At 9:30 it was bedtime for the girls, so I read a chapter of Little Women to them and they were off to sleep.

10:30 and after - ECJ goes to bed around 10:30 after taking the dogs out for the last time for the night. Daddy and I were watching Charmed on Netflix and fell asleep sometime around midnight, after taking our medicines around 11 PM. Peanut came into our room sometime during the night and crawled into bed with us, making our sleep interesting as she's a cover thief and spins in circles in her sleep ... making for toes in the nose and uncovered legs.

 This is pretty much what a regular day looks like for us. Some days school takes more or less time, we don't often wash vehicles in 90* weather in the fall, and some days were busy doing other things but you get the idea.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Actually Back to School

Friday we were supposed to go on our nature walk and start Family Time Fitness but instead we separated a bunch of scrap while Daddy was at work installing new lights in the hallways. I didn't want to put an exercise program on top of all the physical stuff that we'd already done outside this day (mainly because I was still tired even though I slept well the night before). The campers took advantage of the wonderfully warm weather (close to 80* this day) and played outside on their skateboards while the public school kids were in school. I folded a load of laundry and checked to make sure that everything was sorted and organized for the start of school next week, lesson plans done and all. Then I sat down and crocheted until Daddy got back from work. The campers came inside and Daddy and I left to go to the scrap yard. The rest of the day was used for relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Since I hadn't laid out anything from the freezer for supper we had a different kind of supper... YCJ and Peanut made pancakes for the campers to eat and I made fried zucchini for Daddy and I. Everyone got enough to eat and we enjoyed some chocolate chip cookies that Peanut baked (with me supervising) for desert ... well, some of us finished off Peanut's birthday cake as well.

On Saturday Daddy had an appointment out of town and then had to go to work. After breakfast and chores were done the campers and I took a walk up to the park which is about a mile away. We played for awhile, explored the trails for about forty-five minutes, and then played some more. After all that excitement we walked back home and the girls were playing outside while ECJ was doing some yard clean up ... he eventually asked YCJ to help him move a large piece of concrete and there was an accident. The concrete slipped out of their hands and landed on her right foot! After Daddy got home (she was able to move her toes but I was becoming worried about the swelling) ... which was only about forty minutes later ... we took her up to the emergency room. Four hours, one x-ray, and a very hungry girl later we find out that she has a hairline fracture in the top of her big toe on her right foot. She has to be careful not to bang it and wear shoes when she's up and about... keeping it elevated when she's sitting. This is not how we had planned to end our day.

Sunday we spent the morning asleep ... yup, we slept in way late and missed mass. That's ok ... it's not something that we do every week and Peanut and Daddy had gotten very little sleep all week long. The campers went outside to play while Daddy and I went and scrapped a nearby neighborhood really quickly, just kind of testing the waters for the day. We got a decent amount so we decided that we'd go visit Grandma and Papa for a little while and then go scrapping down there. Grandma surprised us with a full out Sunday ham supper, so Daddy and I left the girls with Grandma to help (ECJ had stayed home) and he and I went scrapping for a couple of hours. We came back just in time to eat a fabulous meal and then help clean up. After that we took the girls scrapping the couple of neighborhoods that we hadn't done, played at a park, and picked up some soda pop for the ride home (a special treat instead of the frozen drinks). Shortly after getting home for the night the girls were in bed after their usual bedtime routine and ECJ quickly followed. I took a relatively quick bath (under an hour for me is quick), put a quick load of laundry in the washer and dryer, and then relaxed until Daddy and I went to bed.

On Monday Daddy got up to go to work and I stumbled out of bed behind him, have I mentioned that I REALLY like my sleep? Quickly downing a cup of coffee I then stripped our king size bed and put it in the washer, remade the bed, and then folded all of the laundry from the dryer the night before. ECJ was up and taking apart scrap (there wasn't much to take apart as everything that we got was pretty much just bits and pieces of stuff). I woke the girls up while bringing their laundry to their room and then I scrubbed the bathroom floor. The girls got up and ate breakfast and then did their chores. ECJ finished outside and came in to do his inside chores. I switched loads of laundry because it was bed day ... you know, the day that you go around the house and change all of the bed sheets and what not? Yup, we do them all ... except for ECJ's bed because he's in charge of cleaning his sheets and room on his own, I don't feel the need to clean his linens since he's 15 and can do it himself. The girls then went and cleaned their room and ECJ did his after finishing his chores. I updated this post, drank some coffee, and then crocheted while waiting for the dryer to finish so I could switch loads and keep going (four loads of laundry this day, not counting the one in the dryer when I woke up). After Daddy got home he and I loaded up the truck and then went to the scrap yard. After the scrap yard we ran a few errands, picked up supper (Subway this night, nobody wanted chicken and dumplings), and then relaxed the rest of the night at home.

Tuesday Daddy got up early-ish and went to work, leaving the news playing. ECJ and Peanut were already up and I was drowsing in bed listening to President Trump talking about North Korea. Finally I got up and drank my first cup of coffee (which Daddy had poured for me before he left so it was right by the bed) and told Peanut to wake up YCJ. It was almost 11 AM! ECJ finished his inside chores really quickly and the girls ate their breakfast while I poured myself a second cup and got dressed. We were starting our lessons for fall this day and got started around 11:20 ... an hour later we had everything done besides History for the girls, Bible study with YCJ in her Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul , and ECJ was working independently on his high school studies. That was also with Daddy coming home for a minute to run me to the store quickly and all of the campers working on their own for about twenty minutes. The girls were completely finished with school except for their independent reading by 1:30 PM and ECJ was nearly finished with his studies. We spent a LOT of time socializing during lessons today and that's OK ... sometimes lol. After Daddy got home we had an appointment in town and after that we went scrapping really quickly in the next town over, if we hadn't had the appointment we'd have driven down by Grandma and Papa's house again this day. For supper this day we had the before mentioned chicken and dumplings.
Peanut working on making herself
a bracelet from the kit Grandma gave her
for her birthday.

Wednesday, after Daddy got up and went to work, the campers and I got our day started. Breakfast and chores were followed by lessons. Right now the girls are working on finishing their textbooks from last school year for language arts and math, we're continuing where we left off in History (using America the Beautiful by Notgrass) and taking this week to learn more about the Autumn Equinox through Exploring Nature With Children right now for our science. ECJ dove right in where he left off in Algebra, doing Algebra 2 after he finishes with Life of Fred's Beginning Algebra just so we know that the information sticks. He's working more on his creative writing this year than he did last year and we'll do some focus on research papers later on in the year, we'll also be doing Life of Fred's Language Arts books with him before the end of the year. So far his favorite subject is Physics!!! He's really enjoying it, though we're only a few days in. We'll begin working on our Family Time Fitness next week as the weather is still just too warm and inviting for us to be spending time inside and right now the campers are active with their bikes, scooters, skateboards, and general playing to worry about taking time to "exercise" (LOL I love the fact that they're doing PE without even trying). After lessons were finished and Daddy came home he and I ran to the scrap yard and then scrapped our way back to the house. Daddy had to run back to work for a few minutes after that and came home with Jet's Pizza as a surprise supper, well ... a surprise for the campers since I already knew what he was planning. After supper Daddy and I went back out scrapping, came home to give out medicine, watch some TV together, and for me to tuck the girls in bed with their nighttime routine. Daddy took a buddy of his to work later in the evening and went back around our town looking for more scrap while I stayed home with the campers and I crocheted. 
One of the mini beasts that we discovered while covering
this week's assignment in Exploring Nature With Children.

On Thursday Daddy called formal lessons off for the day. This meant that it was a perfect day for us to go on our nature walk! We currently aren't journaling our nature walks and discoveries simply because I need to pick up some sketch book type notebooks for the campers to use for their journaling, I'm planning on doing this at the end of the month so that they can use them for the rest of the year and maybe even into next year. We played at the park for a little while after our walk and while Daddy was at his appointment a few towns over. When we got back home (and Daddy did as well) we took apart some scrap and then Daddy and I went to the scrap yard. A quick stop to drop me back off at home and then he went in to work for a little while. Peanut and I made some cookies while the Cracker Jack's straightened up the house a bit. 

Find us on Facebook here. We're also on Instagram. 

Linking up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Through the Campers Eyes

So, this year for the ihomeschool network's Not Back to School Blog Hop they're doing a Through the Eyes of a Student week ... I've decided that this year I'm going to interview each of my campers and figure out just what homeschooling means to them.

We'll start with Peanut - 

What do you like about homeschooling? It's fun! I get to learn a lot of stuff and it doesn't take FOREVER to do it.

What don't you like about homeschooling? That I have to sit still every day and learn something new ... sometimes it would be good just to learn the same thing because it would be easier.

Would you ever want to go to public school? NO! I like learning at home, it doesn't take all day, and as soon as we're done I have the rest of the day to play ... plus, they probably don't have good teachers like you, Mom.

If you could change one thing about homeschooling what would it be? That all of my friends were homeschooled too so that we could have more time to play together.

There you go, out of the mouth of a nine year old....

Now, for YCJ (Younger Cracker Jack, age 12) - 

What do you like about homeschooling? That it doesn't take all day to do it ... plus the lunches are better than public or private school. I get to eat what I want to eat.

What don't you like about homeschooling? That not everybody does it. That and English ... I HATE English!

Would you ever want to go back to public school? NO Way! I have enough drama dealing with my friends after they get out of school, I don't need drama all day long! Girls? They're drama! Might have been different if I was a boy. Plus, I don't get picked on at homeschool.

If you could change one thing about homeschooling what would it be? English! Can't we just skip it for the rest of the year? I know how to read and write! (LOL)

And, finally, ECJ (Elder Cracker Jack, age 15) - 

What do you like about homeschooling? I can get through it quickly ... I don't have to sit and listen to a teacher drone on and on about something that I already understand. I get to take my books and read the stuff and then do the work. Easy peasy!

What don't you like about homeschooling? There aren't any girls here, well, except for my sisters and they don't count. I could really use some girls to check out when I'm bored.

Would you ever want to go back to public school? Sure! There's girls in public school and I could get to know them. Plus, there's more people to hang out with other than the guys at the skate park. But, I wouldn't be going back to learn ... just to hang out.

If you could change one thing about the way we homeschool what would it be? Seriously? I want more people to hang out with. I know we belong to the homeschool group but I really want to do the co-op this year. If we can't afford it this year then we HAVE to do it next year!

Now, obviously, I can't change everything that the kids want us to change. BUT ... I can put the campers into the co-op possibly for spring semester. We can't swing the cost this fall but probably can this spring and we're planning on all three of them going next fall AND spring to co-op every Thursday. Next year will be ECJ's junior year of high school ... so even if we don't enroll the girls in co-op he WILL be enrolled for many of the reasons he listed. Yup, that socialization factor. He has lots of friends but he's really interested in meeting more girls his age and public school (even private school because we've tried it before) just isn't an option as far as we're concerned right now.

Find us on Facebook here

Linked up with ihomeschool network's Not Back to School Blog Hop

Thursday, September 14, 2017

First Week 2017-2018

Saturday all of us woke up a bit later in the morning than intended. And Daddy headed off to work just as I was trying to pry myself out from under my comfy covers in my bed. Peanut helped pry me from bed by walking in and giving me the most awesome morning hugs ever! Peanut is our shining star and can always make us smile no matter what mood we are in. Literally, it was after 11:30 in the morning before all of us were up and moving. ECJ hopped outside to take apart a sink for the brass fixture to take back to the scrap yard on Monday while I picked our green tomatoes because the weather is now so chilly that the plants are beginning to die in their planters. I'd rather harvest them green and possibly make fried green tomatoes than loose them all. Besides which, we just picked up half a peck of tomatoes from the veggie stand last Thursday and so we have plenty to eat with our meals for the next week or so. We're starting to get rid of things that won't be going to the new house when we move, so I went through a truck tool box that we had to make sure there was nothing in it that we could use or that we wanted and then put it up for free in our yard for someone to take. The girls spent this chilly day bopping back and forth between playing on their devices and playing outside, Peanut doesn't like pants and would rather wear skorts so she grumbled a bit about having to put the pants on to go outside. Daddy worked until early evening and after he came home (I'd spent the majority of my day organizing school books and supplies for our start of school on Monday) I made potato soup for us to enjoy during the chilly evening.

On Sunday we all got up early and got dressed then headed down to Grandma and Papa's church for mass. After which we took down an awning for their neighbor and visited with Grandma and Papa for awhile (taking their camper back to the storage yard) before heading out to scrap our afternoon away. We made several stops at parks and got our frozen drinks, mostly because Peanut expects them and I had a free one from a punch card. After our truck was full of scrap we headed home for the night and everyone was quickly in bed and under the covers sleeping. 

Monday Daddy got up and went to work for a couple of hours and I took the time to plan out our first week of homeschooling. The campers did their chores early in the morning and then relaxed by watching videos on various devices throughout the house (yup, no lessons this day). When Daddy got home we took apart what scrap we had and loaded the truck to go to the scrap yard, which Daddy and I did next. We came back and picked up the girls and then went scrapping back down by Grandma and Papa's general area ... we didn't have a good scrap night, barely got anything at all. We stopped at two parks while we were out and also grabbed frozen drinks. We grabbed some supper while we were out, ECJ fended for himself at home, and then came home to drop the girls off while Daddy and I ran to the bank to get some money for something that we had to take care of on Tuesday. Once we got home I read to the girls, did prayers with them, had a kissing battle with Peanut, did our pinkie promise, and then kissed them goodnight. Daddy and I took our medicine and shortly thereafter we were in bed as well. ECJ stayed up for a while chatting to some friends online.
YCJ teaching Peanut to
make pancakes.

On Tuesday Daddy went to work while I did a load of laundry, updated the blog, typed up a letter, and talked to ECJ (the girls slept in). I woke the girls up at quarter after 11 and had them do their chores and eat their breakfast. Noni showed up around noon to take me on a couple of errands while Daddy was at work, that's right ... I do NOT drive. I willingly handed my licence in for a state ID several years back because I'm too nervous to drive properly and I've never regretted it. After Noni left and Daddy got home he took me to a couple grocery stores to pick up some meat for our deep freezer and then we did the back breaks on the truck when we got home. Taking apart what little scrap we had after that. The evening was spent calmly at home between the campers and I watching movies together (like Balto 3) and some TV ... we don't have cable and don't subscribe any longer to Netflix so we watch local channels and Canadian TV a lot. Daddy went to help a friend out with some home improvement after work. We didn't do lessons this day either and I talked to Daddy ... we decided to just implement Family Time Fitness and Exploring Nature With Children this week and do the formal book lessons beginning next Tuesday (because I'd planned a four day week for the first week of school). So, I looked on the web for the best day for a nature walk which would be over the weekend ... made a tentative plan to do it on Saturday though we might choose to do it earlier, and looked at the first couple of days for Family Time Fitness, determined that we'd start that on Wednesday.

Working on making
her birthday cake!

Wednesday was Peanut's ninth birthday! We very seldom do lessons on one of the campers birthdays, and this day we didn't do lessons either lol. We started the day with Daddy going to work and me waking the campers up a bit earlier than previous days this week. Peanut had gone to bed with a migraine the night before and woke up feeling much better this morning. The campers gave Peanut their gifts for her and we had a quiet morning. After Daddy got home we went down to see Grandma and Papa for awhile and visit with them. Grandma gave Peanut their gift and Peanut just loved it! Then we went scrapping for a little while and stopped at a couple of parks to play. After another stop at the grocery store to pick up some stuff for her special request supper of homemade nachos, the campers and I came home while Daddy scrapped our small town. Once Daddy got home we gave Peanut her gifts from us and then it was time shortly thereafter for her to go to bed. She said it was one of her favorite birthdays ever!

On Thursday everybody slept in a bit, including the dogs. Shadow, our really old black lab mix, even slept in ... most of the week he's been waking us up at six am to be let outside because he has to go. It was lovely to sleep in with hubby and the campers didn't wake up until we woke them up. The girls had stayed up really late the night before cleaning their room because they couldn't sleep. They're room looks awesome, they did a great job! Daddy took the day off of work because he had an appointment a couple of towns over and I took the opportunity to update this post and do some laundry. The plan for the rest of the day is to clean the house some, finish going through this year's curriculum to weed out what will be used next semester, next year, and currently ... and then to crochet. When Daddy gets back we're cleaning out both vehicles and maybe washing the car. For supper we'll be having salmon patties and french fries. The plan for tomorrow is to start our Family Time Fitness (finally) and do our nature walk for Exploring Nature with Children while Daddy is at work. Nothing too amazing or strenuous.

Looks like we really didn't get back to school for our "first week of school" this year ... lol ... that's ok we'll do it next week! Homeschool Freedom for the win!

Chocolate Cherry Cake

  • 1 box of devil food cake mix (any brand)
  • 1 large can of cherry pie filling
  • eggs as instructed on the box
  • 1/3 c of water
To make our family favorite, chocolate cherry cake you put the dry mix into your bowl and add the entire can of cherry pie filling. The only things you do per box instructions is add the recommended amount of eggs and preheat the oven to temp. Reduce the amount of water needed to just a 1/3 of a cup. Mix all ingredients together and then bake per instructions on the box. Usually we eat this without frosting because it is a rich cake ... but Peanut added milk chocolate frosting for her birthday. Either way is really good!

Find us on Facebook here.

Linking up this week for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Extended Summer

We ended up going on a little adventure over the holiday weekend! Saturday morning, after Daddy and I drank our coffee, we went to the bank to pay some bills and then ran and got the critters some food for the month. When we got home early afternoon we had the campers pack a small bag each, and I packed a bag for us, and we set out on a trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan! We made it across the Mackinac Bridge mid afternoon and then continued through the center of the UP on our trip across the UP ... our plan? To look at a house that we were thinking about buying. By 8 PM we were exhausted but there were no hotel rooms anywhere around due to various reasons ... the bridge walk closer to the bridge, conventions further into the state, and various other reasons. By midnight we just had to stop so we pulled into a rest area and decided just to rest in the car for the evening. It was cramped and uncomfortable but we did get sleep and were able to continue on our way in the morning safely and partially rested (I will not say that we were well rested because it isn't true). 

Sunday our day started with a stop by some small falls to wake up a bit more and stretch those sore muscles from sleeping in the car. When we started driving again we were blessed to see an American Bald Eagle fly over our heads and land on a nearby tree!!!! After about two hours on the road we made it to the house that we were going to look at! We took several pictures and explored the house fully before leaving again to start our drive back to the lower peninsula. We stopped at a beach on Lake Michigan for the kids to stretch their legs again for awhile before we started looking for a decent hotel that had a pool to stop at for the night. We found one around five pm and stopped for the day, having supper at the diner next door, and then taking full advantage of the pool and spa for a couple of hours. Needless to say everyone slept extremely well this night.

On Monday, Labor Day, we got going around 9 am after a breakfast of doughnuts and coffee/juice. After noticing what time it was we took a long break at another beach on Lake Michigan for the girls to wade into the water and look for shells to collect (they collected a lot!). ECJ hadn't packed shorts so he simply played in the sand, drawing designs and watching the waves wash them away. We got back on our way shortly before noon (when the bridge re-opened) and were on our way headed back home. It took several hours, and lots of traffic, to get back to our home. Boy, were our critters happy to see us!!! (A friend had watched them for us while we were gone.) I did two loads of laundry and we let the campers stay up until midnight because they were excited to have their toys and WiFi back (LOL no WiFi except while we were at the hotel ... not even internet on our phones). At midnight I read to the girls, did our prayers, had our battle of the kisses and pinkie promises done and shortly after that Daddy and I settled in for the night. 

Tuesday it was back to reality. Daddy had to go to work in the morning, I had to strip beds and do laundry, and the campers had chores. In between loads of laundry I did some research about home improvement grants in preparation for if we bought the house ... three more loads of laundry got done this day! The girls took a bath in the middle of the day and ECJ cleaned up our yard. We were originally going to start school this day but decided that since I hadn't gotten everything ready we were going to extend our summer break for just one more week ... time enough to get back to the books next week. Supper was a family favorite of hot dogs and eggs and Daddy and I relaxed while watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2 again with the kids after supper. I spent part of my day off and on crocheting for my craft fair I have coming up ... objects to sell don't make themselves. Regular summer bedtimes were observed and life was coming back into focus after our whirlwind vacation.

Wednesday Daddy and I ran to the bank quickly first thing in the morning to deposit some money to cover the bills that we'd written checks for (we'd meant to go Tuesday but just wanted to relax). The campers ate breakfast and did their chores while we were gone. Then Daddy was off to work and I was filling out his paperwork for his new doctor, which he saw at 3:30 in the afternoon this day. After finishing the paperwork and updating this blog I spent time crocheting more washcloths for the craft fair. After Daddy's appointment we went scrapping for just a bit and had the wheel bearing decide to blow out on the passenger side of the truck! Daddy called one of his friends to come pick me up and he waited for the tow truck by himself. It was after ten PM before Daddy got home with the tow truck! The girls had waited up to say goodnight to Daddy and so went to bed a bit late.

On Thursday Noni came out to celebrate Peanut's birthday a bit early with her!!! Daddy of course had to go to work. So, Noni, myself, and the campers went out to lunch at Denny's and then went shopping for birthday gifts. Noni always sets a limit per each kid for gifts, and yes ... all three kids get something on everyone's birthdays because that's just how Noni rolls. Peanut got pretty well spoiled (as did the Cracker Jacks) and then we grabbed some quick groceries since we were at Walmart. Stopped at the local fruit and veggie stand on the way home for some yummy goodness. Then we were home for banana split ice cream cake and visiting! Daddy came home and we went to the bank for an errand and then it was back home with two movies we'd rented, Nine Lives and the new Baywatch. We watched Nine Lives as a family and it was every bit as funny as the campers had told us. After the campers went to bed (late again this night) Daddy and I watched Baywatch, which was a little bit of a let down.

Friday Daddy stayed home in the morning and we picked up the wheel bearing from a local auto parts store here in town, not only was the part cheaper there but it also came with a life time warranty. The girls played while Daddy, ECJ, and myself worked on the truck. It took awhile because Daddy literally split a 15 mm socket in half!!!! Also when that happened the bolt it had been on stripped so Daddy had to get creative to get it off after we went and bought another 15 mm socket. But, we got it all taken care of and the truck is completely fixed now. Daddy went into work for about an hour and when he got home we took a ride, minus ECJ who wanted some time to himself, and ended up scrapping for a bit and then stopping by Grandma and Papa's house in the evening.

Find us on Facebook here.

Linking up this week for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

Monday, September 4, 2017

In Our Small Space

Last year I wrote a post about our homeschooling area called The Little Table   and pretty much everything that I wrote there is the same this year. Our house is about 1200 square feet and with five of us humans and four critters it can get a bit crowded at times. We have three bedrooms and two baths.

The front bedroom is where both of our girls sleep and the rabbit lives. With all of their furniture and toys in there there isn't much room for schooling.

The smallest room belongs to our son and he does do some schooling in his room ... choosing to do his work on his bed instead of at his desk for reasons known only to him.

Our dining room area is just big enough to house our small table and a curio cabinet in the corner ... this is where the girls do most of their school work, sitting on opposite sides of the table often with me sitting between them so I can help both of them out. The dining area is connected to the kitchen so I am never too far from my coffee.

Our living room houses not only the TV, couches, and coffee table ... but also my desk, computer, and two cabinets for our homeschooling items. Sometimes we do our reading on the couch or gathered together in a circle on the floor. This is where we play educational games and hang out together while drawing in our nature journals. Often we must contend with dogs laying in the middle of our games while we're in this room.

We don't do much schooling in the master bedroom, though it has happened that the campers have been at the foot of the bed learning while I've been laid up with a migraine and didn't feel well enough to get up. The master bedroom/bathroom is also where the cat hangs out ... so, if we're learning in there she's often sprawled out on top of somebody's book.

We take advantage of outside as often as we can. Learning takes place at our patio table, at local parks and zoos, on nature walks, even in our yard. Living in Michigan can make a good portion of the year uncomfortable outside, which is why we take advantage of it as often as we can.

We still do the majority of our school work at our little table. So many good memories have happened right around that table no matter where we have lived over the years. And some years it was a different table (the original is currently in storage in my in laws basement until we can get it refinished) ... but always learning has happened around a little table where we eat our meals and come together as a family.

Find us on Facebook here

Linked up for the ihomeschool network's Not Back to School Blog Hop

Friday, September 1, 2017

Last Full Week of Summer

Friday Daddy worked in the early morning and then came and picked up the campers and I. We went down to Grandma and Papa's house and washed their fifth wheel camper top to bottom! Daddy then cooked salmon for the adults, while I made hot dogs and mac and cheese for the campers, and Grandma made the sides for the adults. Everyone got to eat what they liked! When we got home we watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 together as a family, though Peanut slept through half of it and Daddy had to miss part of it as well. Saturday, shortly after waking up, we all headed down to Grandma and Papa's house again so that Daddy could wax one side of the massive camper. We came home early evening and we treated the campers to some McDonald's for supper (Daddy and I ate fried zucchini later in the evening). We again watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 so that everyone could see the entire movie and then it was off to bed.

On Sunday Daddy and I were cuddling still half asleep when Papa called. There was rain expected for Monday and Tuesday and he wanted a few more spots on the camper caulked before then. So, Daddy got up and took himself down to Grandma and Papa's house (timing it so that he'd get there right about when they returned from church) just as the campers were waking up. Everyone did their chores right away and ate breakfast, including me (vacuuming is NOT my favorite thing and neither is laundry, but both got done). I then took a little while on Facebook to talk to family who live in other states, updated this blog, and crocheted another washcloth for the craft fair. Daddy was home around 1:30 (yes, the campers and I took this week off of church ... Peanut's sinuses were bothering her first thing in the morning anyways) and after he changed his clothing we all left to go to a family get together about half an hour away. Good food and good times were had by all and then we came home. After such a large lunch (that was around three-thirty anyways) we opted for a fend for yourself type of supper so that if anyone was hungry they could have what they wanted. Medicine was handed out all the way around and then it was bed time.
Glow stick fun in the living room...
With my flash on with the
glow sticks...

Monday we didn't really do much, Daddy took the day off of work and we all just relaxed around the house for the most part. We did take back a little scrap that we'd picked up over the weekend from one of Daddy's friends. But, for the most part we were at home. Tuesday morning Noni came over and we watched some movies together after eating a McDonald's lunch. We watched Nine Lives and Moana. Both movies were good. After Noni left and Daddy got home from work he and I ran some errands but then came home and relaxed for the rest of the evening ... leftovers for supper (since I'd made a giant pan of tuna noodle casserole for supper on Monday).

On Wednesday we started our day out with a doctor appointment for Peanut. Turns out that Peanut is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts! Epi pens ordered with the pharmacy, calls and texts made to family members who needed to know (where she visits most and this could be a problem, but other family members have tree nut allergies {and other allergies} as well), and then I quickly updated this post to the point when I got off of the phone. Daddy went to work for awhile and the campers did their chores while I did some housework ... yay, laundry ... UGH! Then I crocheted until Daddy got home and we went to pick up the epi pens, return the movies that were rented, and grab some milk for the house. We did a supper of stir fry because it was quick and easy.

Thursday Daddy went to work in the morning and then the girls each took a bubble bath. I did laundry and crocheted more washcloths. Our day was spent relaxing, some of the time playing outside and some of the time watching YouTube. When Daddy got home we spent some time watching TV together and we had breakfast for supper...

Friday we went back down to Grandma and Papa's house (Daddy took the day off) and we finished waxing the camper. Well, Daddy did most of the work. We were there from early morning until early evening and picked up tacos on the way home for supper. The girls were given their medicine and then they packed (early) for our planned adventure for the long weekend ... I'll tell you about that next week!

I haven't taken a lot of pictures this week as I've been super busy (didn't put everything of what I personally did this week in the blog) ... but some weeks are like that. 

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Linked up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.