Thursday, September 28, 2017

Second Week 17/18

Six of the 8 giant zucchini that we picked up
from the cider mill.
Friday Daddy had to go to work, but first he and I enjoyed two cups of coffee in a relatively quiet house because only two of the campers were up... Peanut was watching a Monster High DVD that we just bought the girls the day before and ECJ was on his tablet reading a book in his room. After Daddy left for work it was breakfast, chores, and then helping Mommy clean the house time. Honestly, I think it's time we do a major purge and downsize our things again because we will be moving sometime in the next year. (The house that I talked about a few weeks ago we backed out of the deal due to some major repairs that we'd have to do before even moving into the house, but we're still looking for a house to purchase before the end of next spring.) With all of the organizing that could be done and the moving of the living room furniture to vacuum underneath the major amount of cleaning was done. Peanut and YCJ pulled out their electronic devices to watch some YouTube videos about Littlest Pet Shops, ECJ did the dishes and then was back on his tablet, and I worked on finishing a crochet project that I've been working on that's a Christmas gift for a dear friend of mine. When Daddy came home we loaded up the campers, stopped at a couple of places (one of which was the cider mill where we had a donut and cider lunch and picked up several HUGE zucchinis), and ended up at Grandma and Papa's house for a visit. We had Taco Bell for supper simply because by the time we got home nobody wanted to cook in the heat and we were looking for something quick that we don't eat that often. 

On Saturday we all woke up slowly between nine and ten in the morning. Daddy helped me strip and remake our bed, I threw the sheets in the washer, and Daddy went to his appointment a couple of towns over. ECJ went to cut one of his customers grass and the girls played with their electronic devices. I crocheted while Daddy was gone ... contemplating if I was going to go to the next craft fair here in town as a vendor. When Daddy got home he and I ran to the store to pick up some things we were running out of like dish soap and put some gas in the truck. Then we spent about an hour contemplating if we should take the dingy old carpet out of the living room ... even washing it doesn't help. But, with the temperatures in the 90's this weekend and us not having central air ... we decided against tearing out the carpet this weekend. It will be done another day. The rest of the evening we relaxed and then watched Homeward Bound as a family.

Sunday started out with mass, followed by some scrapping just north of town, and a trip to Grandma and Papa's house. We all visited for awhile and then Daddy and I left to go scrap down there, leaving the campers with Grandma and Papa ... they watched Nut Job while we were gone. After Daddy and I got back supper was ready, Grandma had made pulled pork for supper (we'd picked up the buns, some potato salad, and chips on our way to their house). Supper was great!! When we got home the campers all scattered to do what they wanted, meaning electronics, while Daddy and I turned on Netflix (we started our subscription back up in anticipation of cooler weather) and binge watched Fuller House season three while I crocheted some potholders.

Monday can be found by following this link ... A Day in the Life 2017.

Neat looking fallen
tree that we saw on our nature
On Tuesday we decided to call off book lessons, even though I'd just planned the whole week the day before, in favor of going to the park and taking our nature walk for the International Homeschool Spirit Week out and about day. When we got home the campers did some nature journaling while Daddy was at work. I updated the blog and then started on a project for a friend by crocheting lemons for her patio which is lemon themed. I had an appointment at 1 PM which Daddy came home from work to take me to, he then went back to work for a little while. After Daddy came home we all relaxed a bit and hung out together. I made breakfast for supper: fried potatoes, sunny side up eggs, and toast. The girls and I read more of Little Women at bed time, Peanut fell asleep almost at the end of the chapter.
Super hero masks

Wednesday we all got up pretty early, but not too early, and got our chores and breakfast out of the way. I started my day with two cups of coffee and a load of laundry in both the washer and the dryer. After Daddy went to work the campers and I got busy with lessons. We were done before noon this day and then I had them all make super hero masks (for International Homeschool Spirit Week's Super Hero Day) for either themselves or their pokemon. We're having so much fun with this spirit week! After lessons the girls helped me move the couches so that I could vacuum underneath them, I folded a load of laundry while the girls put the clothing from the washer into the dryer, and then we all helped Daddy take apart a small load of scrap he'd picked up from around town. I ran with Daddy to the scrap yard while the campers stayed home and cleaned their rooms and then Daddy dropped me off and headed back to work for a little bit. When Daddy got back he and I headed out scrapping while the campers camped out in our bedroom watching Netflix. We surprised the campers by picking up Little Caesar's Pizza for supper while we were out.

So, Thursday, we woke up to a perfectly crisp fall day. After most of the week being in the high 80's and low 90's our high for Thursday was just 66*!!! I LOVE fall, y'all!! This day was crazy hair day for the International Homeschool Spirit Week and I just couldn't get any of the campers to do anything crazy with their hair this day. So, no crazy hair pictures. We all woke up early, Daddy had an appointment a couple of towns over and ECJ had to get busy (after chores and breakfast) taking apart scrap. The girls at breakfast and did their morning chores leisurely while I updated this blog post. We called lessons off for the day except for the pond study that we were doing this week for Exploring Nature with Children, I had the girls watch the videos and check out all the links supplied on the pond study's page since our local park doesn't have a pond for us to observe in person. The girls then spent some time drawing pictures of ponds in their books. When Daddy got home we finished taking apart the scrap and then went to the scrap yard. After that Daddy and I took a drive to check out another truck for sale. Our day ended with chicken marinated in Italian dressing for supper.

Friday is giving back day for the International Home Spirit Week and we plan on writing a soldier to thank him or her for their service. The rest of Friday remains a mystery as I'll figure it out after we do our lessons in the morning but for sure Daddy will be at work.

I hope that you had a good week!!

Find us on Facebook here. We're also on Instagram!

Linking up for the Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Highlights.

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